Course Materials

Statistics for the Social Sciences: A General Linear Model Approach

The main textbook for the course is Russell T. Warne’s (2018) Statistics for the Social Sciences: A General Linear Model Approach. The book is available for purchase at Akademibokhandeln and can also be borrowed from the library. The class makes additional use of a selection of journal articles that should be available from the university library. Students who are unfamiliar with how to use the library, but know how to Google things, may find the following link to be useful.

Other Resources

Quantitative methods is a unique subset of social science pedagogy where you could truly teach yourself if you had a working internet connection. Unlike other topics/fields in the discipline, social scientists who teach students about research design and methodology are apt to share their notes, lecture slides, and discuss stuff on public social media. Coding-related inquiries are even more abundant on a place like Stack Overflow. You could truly “just Google” your way through a lot of this material if you were diligent and receptive to consuming as much information as you can find.

The instructor for the labs is not bashful about using past guides and material he has written for public consumption and encourages students to engage with these resources. Please consult the material on his blog ( and the material/code for previous undergraduate and graduate-level methods classes he has taught.1 Lab sessions will almost assuredly borrow, quite liberally, from these past courses and blog posts.