About the Course

Quantitative methods are widely used by IR scholars to generate new knowledge and test existing theories. This course provides with basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills of how to address a research problem using quantitative methods. This course also teaches how to interpret the results of quantitative analysis in both own research and IR literature.

The objective of the course is to develop an understanding of basic quantitative research methods, develop skills of critical assessment of quantitative IR research, as well as to teach how to apply basic quantitative analysis tools. The course covers univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses.

The course starts with research design based on a problem-oriented focus that links module 2 to the writing of PM in module 3. The course provides training on how to investigate research problems using quantitative methods and integrate and present results from the application of these methods in scientific writing. The course aims to enable the student to understand and critically review quantitative research in IR and to apply basic quantitative tools. The course covers both descriptive statistics (e.g., quantiles, variance and time series diagrams) and regression analysis (e.g., hypothesis testing, linear regression analysis and critical interpretation of regression results).